We’re all about maximizing our

limited time off

Do you feel the pressure of your job getting to you? Are you longing to get away from it all but you have limited vacation time? Do you just need a break?

Us too!

We love to travel and explore, but we’re also holding down full-time jobs. In addition to that, living in the US means we have very limited time off. We do all the research and planning we can so that when we’re finally on vacation, we can enjoy it and really make the most of our holiday.

Let us share what we know, and learn from our inevitable mistakes, so that when it’s your turn, your vacation goes smoothly and you can maximize your trip!

Watch our latest video on YouTube!

On this episode of Mapping It, we spend a FULL DAY AT THE MINNESOTA STATE FAIR and we try all the NEW FAIR FOODS for 2024, including 5 new vendors! From DEEP FRIED RANCH DRESSING to DILL PICKLE TOTS, there's something for everyone! Some things were a surprising hit, like the CRAB BOIL CHICKEN WINGS from Soul Bowl, and some things were a flop, like GRILLED PURPLE STICKY RICE from Union Hmong Kitchen. We tried 41 NEW FOODS AT THE FAIR and rate them all! Foods and prices are listed below in the order they appear in the video.